20th Anniversary Opening Celebration
Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Ukrop Auditorium, Robins School of Business
University of Richmond
The 20th annual ChinaFest launches with performances by UR Chinese students and reflection on 20 years of programming! We also pay tribute to Rose Nan-Ping Chen, whose vision and leadership has made ChinaFest a beloved Richmond institution. The goal of ChinaFest is to promote better understanding between the peoples of China and the United States, and to work for a brighter collaborative future. UR’s students and some of ChinaFest’s key players over the years will address this annual Richmond city and University tradition. A celebratory reception catered by Peter Chang will follow.
Co-sponsored with the UR Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
ChinaFest Film Weekend

Producer KPS and JBC, 2014, 26 min.
Jesuit missionary Giuseppe Castiglione of Milan, Italy set sail for China in 1714. After learning Chinese in Macau he adopted a Chinese name, arrived in Beijing, and was soon appointed as a Qing court painter. He skillfully used Western linear perspective and oil painting techniques, combined them with the Chinese aesthetics and traditional media, and developed his own distinctive style. So admired, Castiglione was given access to three generations of Qing emperors and to the royal family.
Sunday, February 9, 2:30 p.m.
Ukrop Auditorium, Robins School of Business

Dir. Emily Ting, Hong Kong, 2015, 78 min.
Lost in Hong Kong, American Ruby meets expat Josh. Their good chemistry is immediate and unmistakable, but Josh soon reveals he has a girlfriend, angering Ruby. A year later, they reconnect by chance. Josh, now a writer, credits Ruby with his career change. Both reveal they’re in relationships, including an engagement for Ruby. Despite it all, they spend the day together, rekindling feelings. Can their relationship move forward or is the timing just not right?
Sunday, February 9, 3:15 p.m.
Ukrop Auditorium, Robins School of Business
Events for UR Students

University of Richmond’s Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) invites the UR campus community to its much loved Ping Pong Night and Tournament. Come to play casually or enter the doubles tournament. Drinks and snacks provided, and prizes for the tournament winners!
Friday, February 7, 6:30 p.m.
Weinstein Recreation Center
The Hometowns Project
The Hometowns Project features quaint introductions and guided tours of cities in China that UR students calls home. Interact with the map and videos to learn more about our students' hometowns in China and some of their favorite places to hang out with family and friends.
Coordinated by the UR Chinese Students & Scholars Association.
Ready, set, Go
University of Richmond student Silvia Chen has been playing Go as long as she can remember.
“My dad showed me the pieces when I was only a month old,” she said, “and I’ve been playing ever since.”
Chen attended school in China specifically to train in Go from when she was 2 until she was 15. Go is an ancient Chinese boardgame, played with two opponents, who each have... (continue reading)<
The Rose Group for Cross-Cultural Understanding
About ChinaFest
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA)
ChinaFest Family Day