Adjunct Professor for Italian Studies - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures gvalsecc@richmond.edu
View BioJune 30–July 31, 2025 (five weeks)
Nestled among the beautiful hills of Umbria, and close to many of the major cultural centers of Italy, Perugia is the perfect city in which to study Italian and enjoy the things for which this country is famous: art, design, history, beauty, nature, gastronomy, and its lively and diverse peoples.
Students combine intensive language study and an immersive cultural experience, including excursions to Florence, Venice, Assisi, and Milan. Our program is designed to study language and culture and then experience them first-hand outside the classroom. Come and see all that beautiful Perugia has to offer this summer!
The Perugia summer program offers 2 units of Italian language instruction (ITAL 121/221) or two units of ITAL 311 and 314. The program will incorporate field trips throughout Italy to enhance students’ cultural knowledge and proficiency.
2 units
Intensive Elementary Italian
2 units
Intensive Intermediate Italian
1 unit
Italian Culture & Society
1 unit
Women: The Architects of Italy
Students will register for 2 units of credit.
This program will provide a unique opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the study of Italian language and culture while residing in beautiful medieval Perugia. All classes will be held in the historic Palazzo Gallenga-Stuart, which is the home of the Università per Stranieri in Perugia. The Università is the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution devoted to the teaching, research, and promotion of Italian language and culture across the world. Students electing to take language classes (which will transfer as ITAL 121 or ITAL 221) will be taught by native speakers of Italian from the Università per Stranieri. Professor Valsecchi will teach ITAL 311 and 314. In addition to coursework, learning experiences will also include lectures, tours, weekend excursions, and traditional Italian activities. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in university activities with fellow students from all over world in addition to those activities planned only for the University of Richmond Study Abroad Program.
Adjunct Professor for Italian Studies - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures gvalsecc@richmond.edu
View BioCosts are approximate, do not include airfare, and are subject to change without notice as a result of fluctuations in currency values and other factors. Participants are responsible for arranging and purchasing their own transportation to and from the program site. Airfare and airport transfer costs are not included in the program fee.
During orientation in the late spring, participants will meet the group, receive important logistical and cultural information, and begin to prepare for their exploration of Italy and its people. Attendance at all orientation meetings during the spring semester is mandatory.
Housing and Meals
Participants will share furnished apartments with cooking facilities, including single rooms with internet access and shared bathrooms. Apartments are within walking distance of the university. Meals, which are not included in the program costs, may be purchased for reasonable prices at the university cafeteria, or in any of the beautiful small Italian cafes and restaurants located around the city. Once a week, students will have the opportunity to share a meal they have prepared during cooking class.
Activities and Excursions
February 14
Apply online through Gateway Abroad, our study abroad application portal.