Professor of French - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures odelers@richmond.edu
View BioJune 22–July 25, 2025 (five weeks)
Spend five weeks in France and discover its rich history and culture. Students have the opportunity to join exciting excursions in Paris, Normandy, and the La Rochelle region, including:
2 units
Intensive Intermediate French
(Com 2 Second Language Proficiency)
1 unit
French Conversation through Cinema
1 unit
French and Francophone Culture
1 unit
Advanced French Conversation
Courses are offered through the Institut d’Études Françaises (IEF), a branch of Excelia Business School. Students will enroll in 2 units and are encouraged to talk to the faculty leader early about course options.
Students taking FREN 221 and FREN 311 will be enrolled in a course with the general population of students at the IEF. Instruction for all courses at the IEF is provided by faculty members from the Institut, all of whom meet professional standards agreed upon by the Director of the IEF and University of Richmond’s faculty leader. FREN 301 and FREN 402 will be taught by the UR faculty leader.
Professor of French - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures odelers@richmond.edu
View BioCosts are approximate, do not include airfare, and are subject to change without notice as a result of fluctuations in currency values and other factors. Participants are responsible for arranging and purchasing their own transportation to and from the program location. Airfare and airport transfer costs are not included in the program fee.
During orientation on campus in the spring semester, participants will meet to receive important logistical and cultural information, and begin to prepare for their exploration of France. Attendance at all orientation meetings during the spring semester is mandatory.
Housing and Meals
Once in La Rochelle, students live in the homes of selected French families with whom the Program has built relations over the years. Participants take their breakfasts and dinners with their host families during the week. Note: Lunches are not included in the program cost.
Activities and Excursions
Students will begin the program with a 3-day stay in Paris. Cost of breakfast is included. Sites include l’Arc de Triomphe, les Champs-Elysées, Notre-Dame, La Sainte-Chapelle, le Musée Rodin, le Musée d’Orsay (impressionist art), la Tour Eiffel, Montmartre and le Sacré-Coeur, le Louvre, and le Quartier Latin. All fees for these sites as well as transportation in Paris are included in the program cost.
February 14
Apply online through Gateway Abroad, our study abroad application portal.