Galleries & Exhibitions
The Carole Weinstein International Center is home to two art galleries that feature a variety of exhibitions and artwork that depict global themes and the many ways in which our community engages with the world.
Large Gallery
COMING FALL 2022: UR Engages with New Zealand
For many years, sutdents, faculty, and staff from the University of Richmond have traveled to and engaged with New Zealand in numerous ways. This exhibition of photography documents the research, study, and experiences of Spiders, past and present.Small Gallery
Centosette Cieli
International Education is pleased to present the work of UR graduate Casey Murano, ’21, who received a Weinstein grant for sketching and painting during her semester abroad in Italy. Three sketches show the viewer her work in progress that ultimately led to the painting featured here. She reflects:
"While studying abroad in Perugia for four months, I practiced pilgrimage as a spiritual, artistic practice that included visits to traditional sacred sites and the experience of being abroad. During the semester, I filled eight sketchbooks with inspiration and explored how themes of faith, art, and the environment can support our quest to be united as one interconnected community. Additionally, I painted watercolor landscapes every morning as a daily practice that kept me in the pilgrim mindset. I created Centosette Cieli—a name that translates to 107 Heavens and references these daily paintings—during my final week in Italy. The project was an opportunity to meditate on how I would integrate these experiences and discoveries into my life at home."