Curriculum Internationalization Grants

To support continued internationalization of the curriculum, the Office of International Education offers grants for the development of new courses with significant international content and for revisions of existing courses, to infuse them with such content.

All continuing faculty are eligible for grants of $3,000 to $3,500 for new courses and $1,500 to $2,000 for revisions. Adjunct or part-time faculty members are eligible to apply, with priority given to those with continuing association with the University.

Special consideration will be given to academic fields in which the number of courses with significant international content is limited and to proposals, which include a plan for collaboration with faculty at one of the nearly 70 universities with which Richmond has exchange agreements. The use of teleconferencing in such collaboration will be recognized.

Courses already developed and scheduled for teaching are not eligible for funding, unless a significant revision is proposed.

New Course

The application should include:

  1. Course rationale and description
  2. Relation to major/minor
  3. Anticipated enrollment
  4. Anticipated first offering and frequency of offering
  5. Preliminary syllabus
  6. Letter of support from chair or dean including a statement of departmental or program commitment to offering the course
  7. Curriculum vitae

Revised Course

In addition to the above, the application should include the current syllabus

Applications should be received by the Office of International Education (attention: Shani Buchholz). Applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the International Education Committee, chaired by the Dean of International Education. The Dean will notify applicants in writing of the Committee's decision.

Half of the grant will be distributed at the time of selection. The recipient may choose between a payroll payment (which is taxed) or reimbursement for professional expenses (which is not taxed). The second half of the grant will be distributed after the Office of International Education and the chair of the relevant department receive the following: 1) the final syllabus and 2) proof that the course is being offered for the first time.

If you choose a payroll payment in lieu of reimbursement of professional expenses, you will be responsible for all fringe and taxes. As a result, your gross pre-tax payment amount will be reduced by 9.09% to cover the amount of fringe that will be charged to this office. For example, if your award is $1,000 and you choose the payroll payment option, your pre-tax payment amount will be reduced to $909.10.

Image: Simo Ubuntu / CC-BY-SA-3.0, / via Wikimedia Commons